Project Management

Project Coordinator

TU Dresden with its strong previous Tempus and CBHE Lead Partner experience will undertake activities to ensure sound management of the project and will perform the duties of authorising officer and coordinator of the project.

It has set this tone from the start reviewing along with other partners the importance and positives of best management strategies and potential conflict areas and ways of avoiding these through the establishment of clear task responsibilities and clear communication channels to facilitate consensus and decision making.

Management Responsibilities

Academic Management
TUD: Prof. Prunitsch, Dean of Faculty of Languages, Linguistics and Culture, and Gerry Cullen, Project Manager
Financial and Legal
European Project Center (EPC) of TUD
WP Management

TUD leads the EU Steering Group as well as the Management Package

WP Preparation
This is led by our Portugal partner UCP from Porto
WP Development
This is led by our UK partner from Liverpool John Moore University Concerning the above WPs all EU partners will contribute to the Preparation of English for Specific Purposes Training and the 9 module Pedagogical Training for PCs and all will be involved in actual training
WP Quality Plan

Riga Technical University will lead the Quality Plan Package but this is essentially managed by the Internal Evaluation Working Group (IEWG), led by the two QA agencies (RR in Russia and ANQA in Armenia)

Management Documents

SMARTI Project Management Plan