
Team Efforts & Responsibilities

All activities are based on team efforts and involve all relevant members of the consortium. Coordination among the SMARTI consortium partners is essential for achieving effectiveness of communication in the project and post-project dissemination with reporting to the Project Coordinator as the project-the decision making body of the Consortium.

The members of the SMARTI consortium have identified individual persons who bear responsibility for implementing dissemination-enhancing activities. Please keep in mind that one of the difficulties of projects of this nature is the cultural differences and Covid Pandemic situation and distance so the above measures have been developed to manage this.

Dissemination Responsible

The University of Porto has the main responsibility for both dissemination and sustainability and will also steer and drive the project’s dissemination activities at local, national and international level.

EMI Training Centre Action Groups

In the project, the setting up of EMI Training Centres will necessitate the creation of an EMI Training Centre Action Group in each PC (representative of International Office, Language Centre and member of Teaching Staff). They will produce a Sustainability and Exploitation and Accreditation Plan for these EMI Centres.

Steering Committees

An EU Steering Committee of one member from each EU partner and led by TU Dresden will co-ordinate with the PC Steering Committees of Armenia and Russia also with one member from each PC university and additionally one PC member each from the ongoing dissemination and impact AIDA activities (Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action) being a Project Publicity Officer for PC AIDA Armenia and PC AIDA Russia.


All PCs are involved in creating Core Curricula for PC universities to teach EMI education teaching methodology to in-service staff and student teacher trainees and they are also be involved in piloting two times.