Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU)

About LJMU

LJMU is a public university with a community of over 20,000 students from over 100 countries and 2,500 members of academic/administrative staff. Students select from 250 degrees—delivered across 20 schools. LJMU is a forward-thinking university dedicated to student success and employability. Teaching/curriculum is informed by current research with international perspectives.


LJMU’s vision is to be recognized as a modern civic university that delivers solutions based on 21st-century challenges.


The university’s mission is to create a community for learning and knowledge making use of modern facilities and equipment to promote engagement. The university’s mission is to create and sustain a vibrant community for learning and knowledge is produced and co-created by staff and students together through active and supportive partnerships—providing opportunities to enrich our students, partners and wider society through education, training, research, scholarship and knowledge transfer.


LJMU is part of the Northern Consortium of UK Universities, a group that allows students from around the world to study at the undergraduate/postgraduate level through pathway programs. The Northern Consortium works with countries around the world, including China and Russia. LJMU specifically is expanding their network of strategic partnerships and bilateral agreements to extend international mobility opportunities for students (incoming and outgoing) across all degree programs.


Beyond research and international partnerships, LJMU is actively involved in the community and has well-developed cultural partnerships. Cultural partners reflect LJMU’s goal of nurturing critical, creative and inventive people within the University community and across the city, region and nation. Relating to this project, LJMU staff focus on teaching excellence and quality control to ensure that each degree program is rigorous and students are well-equipped to enter employment once their studies are complete.

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Liverpool L2 2QP



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