On June 24 SUSh SMARTI team had a meeting with lecturers and students in the scope of Erasmus+ “Support for Innovative Methodology, Approaches and Tools for Teaching through the Medium of English in order to improve Educational Yield, Sustainability and Internationalization”-SMARTI project.
Erasmus+ SMARTI project aims at using the English language to teach academic MA and PhD in science, math, and IT.
The project local coordinator H. Melkonyan presented the project goal and objectives to the students and lecturers of Informatics and Applied mathematics chair and answered their questions.
The working group also discussed upcoming activities and directions of participant’s work in the scope of SMARTI project.
5 Armenian, 4 Russian and 4 EU universities are participating in the project.
During the three year project it is planned to hold capacity building trainings for EMI teachers, Language Centres will be established and equipped with computers in all universities and EMI handbook will be published.
For more information please visit here