EMI Communicative Online Integrated Learning Event (COIL) of Smarti, Edify and Empower Women Consortium



May 29, 2024 14.50 PM - 17.00 PM CET



29 May COIL Event (see info on https://collab-edu.com/hub/coil)


On May 29, 2024, a notable online meeting took place, bringing together students from five partner institutions in Armenia and the Dresden University of Technology (TUD) in Germany. This international event was part of the Erasmus+ Support for Innovative Methodology, Approaches and Tools for Teaching through the Medium of English in order to improve Educational Yield, Sustainability and Internationalization (SMARTI) project.


Organized by the TUD team, this meeting served as a platform for meaningful discussions for students aimed at promoting educational and international cooperation.


The event was also attended by Gerard Cullen, TUD’s SMARTI Program Coordinator, who played a key role in facilitating the discussions and guiding the session’s objectives.


The meeting agenda was carefully crafted to address key aspects of business and marketing plans, focusing on how these elements can be used to promote educational sustainability and internationalization.


One of the main topics of discussion was “Student to entrepreneur: business and marketing plan”. This course aimed to equip students with the essential skills to transition from academia to the entrepreneurial environment.


As the SMARTI project continues to evolve, the success of this online event sets a positive precedent for future initiatives. It demonstrates the potential of virtual collaboration to overcome geographic barriers and create meaningful educational experiences.

The main objective of the online event was to develop a comprehensive business and marketing plan. This topic was chosen to address the practical aspects of educational project management and equip students with skills that are important in both academic and professional settings. The agenda was carefully designed to cover key elements of business and marketing strategy, promoting a deeper understanding of how these concepts can be applied in an educational context.


The online event successfully achieved its goals, where students shared their insights and experiences. Discussions on business and marketing plans highlighted the importance of strategic thinking in an educational context and generated many ideas for future projects. Students left the meeting with a deeper understanding of how to approach educational challenges through innovative methodologies and collaborative efforts.


The event was not only an educational experience, but also an opportunity for intercultural exchange. By working together on business concepts and marketing strategies, students from different countries were able to learn from each other’s experiences and create connections that go beyond academia.


To summarize the above, the May 29 online event for international students was a great success. It demonstrated the effectiveness of the SMARTI Erasmus+ program in promoting international cooperation and expanding educational methodologies. Discussions on business and marketing strategies equipped students with valuable skills for their future careers and highlighted the importance of cross-cultural collaboration.


The involved students from Armenia and Germany, working side by side online, not only developed their entrepreneurial skills, but also laid the foundation for ongoing international relations and future cooperation.


The success of this meeting is a testament to the potential of international academic collaboration to create impactful educational experiences and promote positive change.


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