Module Piloting 1st at Vanadzor State University



November 23, 2023


Vanadzor, Amenia

On November 23 2023, the first Piloting session within the Erasmus+ SMARTI Project took place at Vanadzor State University, involving both internal and external stakeholders. The event centered around the presentation of two lessons conducted by VSU lecturers Arine Danielyan, Armine Gevorgyan, Gohar Dokholyan, and Nune Khublaryan. These lessons were designed within the framework of two EMI piloting modules: Module 1, focused on the Communicative Approach—Student-Centered and Blended/ICT/E-Learning-based, and Module 7, covering EMI Student Assessment Strategies (Formal and Alternative Assessment).

The lessons were jointly conducted by language and subject teachers. Arine Danielyan delivered the theoretical part of Lesson 2, “Student-Centered Learning and Constructivist Learning Theory: Project-based Learning/Research-based Learning/Flipped Classroom/Case-Based Instruction,” under Module 1. The practical aspect was facilitated by subject teacher Armine Gevorgyan, who chose the topic “PR in Restaurant Business” and employed the “Flipped Classroom” method to introduce it to the participants.

Lesson 3 of Module 7, entitled “Formative/Summative/Hybrid Assessment Techniques and Strategies: AoL vs. AfL,” was presented by language teacher Gohar Dokholyan and subject teacher Nune Khublaryan. Gohar Dokholyan covered the theoretical aspects of Formative/Summative/Hybrid Assessment, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of these assessment forms. Nune Khublaryan transitioned to the practical part, demonstrating some effective ICT tools for formative and summative assessment.

At the end of the event, EU representatives expressed their satisfaction with the work so far conducted by the VSU working and encouraged them to continue the piloting of the planned lessons.

The second part of the Piloting was held from December 19 to 25, 2023, targeting VSU’s internal stakeholders. During the first training session Arine Danielyan addressed issues related to Formal/Alternative Assessment Techniques and Strategies, while Armine Gevorgyan introduced practical assessment methods for the “PR in Restaurant Business” course, showcasing alternative assessment tools including, but not limited to, Kahoot, Padlet, and Flip. She also organized a Kahoot interactive quiz with case-scenario analysis.
The training session held on December 20 was devoted to the basic principles of the Communicative Approach and Student-Centered Design, with a special focus on Cooperative Learning Strategies. First, language teacher Lusik Vardanyan highlighted the key elements of effective communication and collaboration essential for a successful career. She further elaborated on the alignment of communicative approaches with the six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy across four knowledge dimensions. Following this, subject teacher Anna Khachatryan provided practical insights, offering the participants some useful cooperative learning strategies and interactive exercises such as Gallery Walk, Think-Pair-Share, and Four Corners.

On December 21, during their session on assessment concepts, L. Vardanyan and A. of Assessment within Module 7.

Lusik Vardanyan emphasised the importance of aligning evaluation with key learning components: learning outcomes, activities, and assessment methods. She also provided insights into the specific characteristics of outcomes-based, task-based, and competency-based assessment strategies. Anna Khachatryan introduced practical assessment tools: role-playing, case discussions for outcomes-based assessment; tests and case studies for task-based assessment; feedback, and a SMART Rubric for debate assessment. She emphasized integrating Nearpod for interactive evaluation.

On December 25, the concluding training session focused on Communicative Approach and Blended/ICT/E-Learning strategies. Conducted by Gohar Dokholyan and Nune Khublaryan, the session covered theoretical aspects and effective ICT tools, such as TED-Ed designed for video-based assignments to engage students, and Socrative, a tool for real-time data analysis in teaching and learning. These insights provided the participants with helpful guidance for implementing these strategies into their lessons.

Upon completion of the training, the participants were awarded certificates as a recognition of their achievement.


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